Get a Fat Black Chocobo for Final Fantasy 14 while watching Twitch


This Final Fantasy 14 mount can be yours. 

Square Enix

Square Enix and Twitch started a new collaborative campaign Thursday for Final Fantasy 14 players. Those who participate could find themselves riding a Fat Black Chocobo across Eorzea. 

Twitch viewers watching eligible Twitch channels playing Final Fantasy 14 can receive a Fat Black Chocobo Whistle to summon the in-game mount and Deluxe Heavenscrackers until Aug. 24. To receive the in-game items, players will have to pay for a gift subscription for the channel they’re watching. 

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Gift subscriptions are when viewers pay a subscription fee, which is usually $5, for someone watching the same Twitch channel. Having a subscription comes with certain perks within the channel, such as chat emojis, no channel ads and access to subscriber-only chats. 

It takes four gift subscriptions to receive the Fat Black Chocobo, while any gift subscription will give 100 Deluxe Heavenscrackers. The reward will be located in the individual’s Twitch notifications after the subscription has been purchased. 


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